Timber Battens
We sell a range of hardwood and softwood planed battens with chamfered edges for interior and exterior decorative projects such as feature walls and landscaping. Interior feature walls and exterior garden screens are a great way to transform spaces by bringing a natural look to a backdrop and bring persoanlity to the house and garden. These wooden battens are sold at set sizes so you can have all the benefits of planed timber battens without having to order bespoke. Shop your wood battens here by entering the various sizes available, enter quantity, enter your delivery postcode and pay securely.
Cedar Battens
Canadian cedar is one of the best timbers you can use for decorative battens becuase it is very clear of knots and character so it has a wonderfully consistent finish. Our Canadian Cedar is no.2 clear and better and 80% knot free. Cedar ranges from a pinky orange colour to a light brown which gives it a unique and sought after natural appeal. Canadian Cedar is also very stable and tends to stay straight in thin sizes. It is probably most appreciated for its durability lasting for decades outdoors even untreated.
Benefits of Cedar Battens:
- Externally rated lasts well outdoors
- Very durable
- Easy to paint, stain or oil
- Very stable
- Clear of knots and character
- Lightweight
- Easy to nail, screw, glue and pin.
- Attractive colour
What is a Chamfer?
A chamfer is a 45 degree cut through the right angled corner or edge of a piece of timber. A chamfer is often used to take of the sharpe edge and reduce the chance of getting a cut or splinters from the edge of timber. Chamfers can provide a tidy edge to planed timbers when using them for screening and feature walls.